Sunday, September 2, 2012



This triptych was created over many hours in Photoshop CS6 and includes images pulled from all over the internet, but mostly from my personal Pinterest page.

The inspiration behind my collage is the quote, "Do more of what makes you happy".  The pictures of snacks, objects, and sayings are arranged to show exactly what makes me happy.  I also used the color pink as a common theme in order for the three panels to look more cohesive.


  1. I love this for its simplicity. Your message is clear- as a viewer, I am not asked to dig deep for hidden meanings within it. It is just that- what makes you happy. Visually, I like how you resized in small, medium and large. The color does lend a cohesion and who doesn't love a big ice cream cone?

  2. I really love the colors used. They are soft and I think do a really good job of portraying the happiness. I like the consistency throughout each one like there is a bow in all three of them, a flamingo and some type of dessert and flowers. I think that it has a nice flow and I agree with Priscilla on the simplicity. It makes it really easy to look at and you are able to figure out what message you are trying to send right off the bat. I really like it.

  3. I love this and its statement reflecting happiness. When looking at the triptych with the panels side-by-side the message is there and my eyes don't wonder. When I view the panels individually I'm happy to see things in there that make me smile.

  4. The cohesive color of the your pieces are attention grabbing. I love the different textures represented in your various pictures. And the message is very clear and very you.

  5. I enjoy the level of bliss projected in this piece. It seems rendered as being counteractive to the status quo that art has to be gloomy, suffering, and morose to have meaning. Art just needs to be art and whatever the directed emotion would be. Very clear theme projected across the board with the three panels. I can see a clear decision was made to unify the images with that similar color, but not simply dunk it all in the same hue. I'm intrigued by the presence of the cactus and pig. I will say make an effort to find source inspiration from outside of the "pinterest" page and associated media. If the concept is happiness, possibly even question "why do these things make us happy"? What is the so-called science behind happiness?
