Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Lecture One

Erika Harrsch is a “visual artist” who uses a large variety of mediums (painting, digital media, audio, video, photography, performance art, etc.) in order to convey themes of nature, politics, immigration, and gender in her artwork. She collaborates closely with other artists, musicians, and even researchers in order to execute her pieces, which range from butterflies and currency, to an LED cello and gallery installations.

Harrsch spoke very passionately about her work and that passion is apparent in her meticulously hand-crafted artwork—I would probably never even want to look at another butterfly if I was her. She is truly an artist and even though some of her work and very elaborate concepts aren’t my style, her determination is commendable and the way she is able to articulate her ideas by using art is very clear and impressive. Since we have been given themes and topics to work with all year, it was interesting to see how Harrsch took it one step further, building upon her old projects and using consistent imagery throughout her career as an artist.

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